Hello! My name is Zhiyan Wang. Now is 24 years old.
If anything unexpected happens, this might forever remain as my cyber epitaph. (Everything I put out here is what I'm willing to say.)
Now, let me introduce what I've been typing away at —— a theme of unknown length: *Long Conversations After Drinking(酒后长谈).* Of course, this isn’t Conversation in the Cathedral, but I borrowed its name to collect my own, much smaller arguments.
By the way, I'm interested in Cargo site because I've seen artists using it to build their own “personal archives.” I don’t have a personal archive myself, so I might learn from this process of blank space, collaging, and talking about art.
I am currently a beginner in SSE(QMC).(Whatever it if you are not interested in)
What is SSE? It is a numerical method targeting quantum spin models, which can typically simulate the behavior of order parameters to probe phase transitions in the system.
My working environment